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Bulletins & Minutes

Masses Begin Again - June 21-22, 2020


Weekend Masses have begun at St. Francis Xavier. The schedule will be as before: Saturday at 4 PM and Sunday at 9 and 10:30 AM. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation there will be many changes and adjustments to the liturgy. Please note the following:

1. Entrance to the Church will be through the Ramp Door (5th Street side) only. You may exit the building through any door, but entrance will be only by way of the Ramp Door.

2. The church is limited to 25% capacity per service. Many pews will be roped off – you may not sit in these pews. Only be seated in the open pews. Families may sit together, but otherwise please keep social distancing with other parishioners.

3. We are not allowed paper resources in the church. Hymnals and Missalettes have been removed.

4. Bulletins will now be mailed to registered parishioners. The bulletin will be published every two weeks. No bulletins are available in the holders in the church. If you do not receive a bulletin by mail, please call the parish office and let us know. This is a good time to register in the parish if you have not already done so.

5. The organist and cantor will be in the choir loft. Congregational singing is discouraged for the present time (imagine that!). The choir loft will be roped off – there is no seating in the loft.

6. You will notice there is no altar server for the present time. There will be a reader at each liturgy. Communion Ministers will be added as needed.

7. There is no Offertory Procession, Sign of Peace or shared Communion Chalice at the liturgy. There will be no holy water in the fonts.

8. The “Cry Room” is closed due to the small space. Please respect this.

9. There will not be a collection at Mass. You can continue to make donations:

***in the locked wooden box in the back of the church,

***by mail to the office,

***personally, through the mail slot at the parish office,

***through the Diocesan Website ( by using the “Today for

Tomorrow” Campaign for on-line giving.

10. Communion will be distributed by sections of the church being called forward. Please wait until Fr. Jim announces your section to come and receive.

11. Please wear a mask to Mass and remove it to receive communion. Please receive communion in your hands and not on the tongue. Keep proper distancing in the church and near the votive candle area.

12. Confessions will now be heard on Saturdays in the Garden Room from 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM. Please use the Garden Room door for entrance. The confessional in the back of church will not be used at the present time.

13. Weekday Masses have begun. Watch the bulletin for the schedule.

14. These changes will be updated as times allow. Watch the bulletins and note the announcements at Mass. If you have any questions please call the parish office (715.398.7174).

15. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. It is special to come to Mass so let us thank God for that grace-filled opportunity.



The parish is in need of Mass intentions (standard donation is $10). If you would like to have a Mass offered please call the parish office.


May 30-31: $5,180.00 June 6-7: $7,560.00

Thank you for your generosity!


The Parish Food Shelf continues in operation. Items currently needed are: soup, spaghetti, peanut butter, cereal, tuna, crackers, pancake syrup, boxed potatoes, canned stew and Hamburger Helper. If you are in need of assistance, please call the parish office during regular scheduled hours.


The June meeting has been postponed and will be rescheduled for some time in July.


The Confirmation Class, representing the six Catholic parishes in the Superior area, put action behind their recent class lesson on social justice. Over 30 high school students gathered over two evenings to cut and hand-tie 43 fleece blankets which were donated to Sr. Mary’s Children’s Hospital. Money was raised for materials through the support of parishioners from the Superior parishes. The remaining funds were donated to parish food shelves.


to the families of John Ciocarelli, James Brochu & Mary (Novack) Andrews. May they rest in peace. +

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