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Bulletins & Minutes

Semi monthly bulletin January 12th & 19th, 2025


                                                2316 East Fourth Street, Superior, WI.  54880 

         Telephone:  715-398-7174

                                         Parish Office Hours:  Monday -Friday 8 AM – 4 PM

                                St. Francis Parish Website:

                                                           Fr. Jim Tobolski, Pastor

Mary Margaret Sitek, Parish Secretary  

                                        BAPTISM OF OUR LORD -JANUARY 12, 2025

MASS SCHEDULE-JANUARY 13-19, 2025:     

TUESDAY                        9:00 AM       BEN POLASKI                               (Donna)

WEDNESDAY                 8:30 AM       Fr. Jim will offer Mass at Cathedral with the students.

THURSDAY                     9:00 AM       PATTY MYHRE                             (Mary Ann & family)

FRIDAY                           9:00 AM       SPECIAL INTENTION


SUNDAY                          9:00 AM      MARY P. MOTES                         (Rosanna Bradford)

                                        10:30 AM     WILLIAM & ALICE STACK          (Mike & Julie McCoshen)


Masses are celebrated at St. Mary’s Hospital Chapel in Superior, on Wednesdays at 11:15 AM.

RCIA AT ST. FRANCIS Are you an adult who has never been baptized?  Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the Catholic Church Community?  Are you an adult seeking the sacrament of Confirmation?  Please consider joining RCIA at St. Francis.  Fr. Jim will offer six sessions on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM – 8 PM in the Garden Room beginning Wednesday, March 12th and continuing through Wednesday, April 16th.  Call the parish office at 715-398-7174 to register.  New members will be welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19th.

THANK YOU!  to all that made the Nativity Play so fun, special, and with wonderful memories; Parents, grandparents, and those who made the event possible.  A very sincere thank you to our children, young adults for their patience, following directions, being excited and quiet during the whole ceremony.  Also, we cannot forget our very special Baby Jesus, Theo Lattery, and his parents, Liam and Kayla for making this such a special Christmas Children’s Mass.

                        SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 19, 2025


WEDNESDAY             11:15 AM          Fr. Jim will offer Mass at St. Mary’s Hospital Chapel.

THURSDAY                  9:00 AM          JAMES CRONIN                    (Dennis & Karen Cochrane)  

FRIDAY                        9:00 AM          ROBERT HUGHES                  (Jack & Char Milroy)

SATURDAY                    4:00 PM         PHYLLIS CURRIE                     (Dennis Edwards)

SUNDAY                        9:00 AM         BOBBIE SCHWEIMFURTH    (Randy & Debbie Burkart)

                                    10:30 AM         HEALTH/WELFARE OF ST. FRANCIS PARISHIONERS


Masses are celebrated at St. Mary’s Hospital Chapel in Superior, on Wednesdays at 11:15 AM.

THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!     For another very successful Cookie Stroll on Saturday, December 14th!  We could not have done it without all our hard working and generous parishioners.  Whether you participated by planning, baking, monetary donations, shopping or working the event, everyone’s effort paid off.  The total raised for this year’s Cookie Stroll was $4,964.61.  We also thank the Altar Society for their continuing hard work on behalf of St. Francis.  We wish you a very Blessed New Year!

SALAD BAR LUNCHEON is scheduled for Saturday, February 8th beginning at noon.  The menu will feature homemade salads, hot German Potato Salad, chicken salad, bread, dessert, and a beverage.  Tickets are $12 for adults, $7 for children ages 7-12 and children under 5 are free. There will be door prizes as well as the annual raffle drawings.  If you have not yet received your raffle tickets, they will be delivered soon.  In the gathering space of the church, you will find signup sheets.  Please sign up to bring a salad, new prizes, donate a gift card (or 2) or help the day of the luncheon. This is a great opportunity for confirmation students needing service hours.  Salads should be brought to the parish hall the morning of the event between 8 and 10 AM.  Thank you!  For more information contact any of the following Altar Society Members:  Gail-218-343-7223, Betty-715-394-3790, Anne-218-348-8526, Carolyn-715-398-6512 or Jan at 218-349-4092.


CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS   will meet on the following date, anyone interested in becoming a Catholic Daughter is welcome to attend the meetings which will be held on the following:  Monday, January 13tth 11:30 AM, at the Guadalajara Restaurant at 69 N. 28th, Suite 7; Monday, February 10th at 11:30 AM at Villa Marina Health, in the activity room; Monday, March 10th at 5:30 PM at Cathedral of Christ the King (elevator available).  Dessert will be served.  The speaker will be Deacon Tim Thom whose topic will be Lenten Reflection.



                            Welcome to our newest parish family members…

                        Margaret Gall    Steven & Jeanne LaFrance.

                Thomas Naughton, & Dennis & Erin Smet.

Recently, through the Sacrament of Baptism we welcomed…    

                     Louis C. Petrey, son of Tyler & Stephanie.  +

Louis’ godparents are Nicholas Schimenek & Hannah O’Connor.

      Madeline Marie McCoshen, daughter of Kellen & Elyse. +

     Madeline’s godparents are Sean & Shannon McCoshen.

Sympathy & Prayers to the family of Jay McIntyre.   +

                                 May he rest in peace.

                           ~     ~     ~     ~    ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~


John & Emilia Schimenek, Sr., John & Emelia Schimenek, from Tom & Pattie Higgins

Jim Sampson from Renae Hendershot, Judge Joseph McDonald, Steve McDonald from  Eileen McDonald


DECEMBER 22:    $7,971.00               CHRISTMAS     $89,344.00                    DECEMBER 29:   $7,887.00

                                 Thank you!!


JANUARY 11-12:               4:00 MASS                                          9:00 MASS                                          10:30 MASS

Cross Bearer                      ARLENE OSTERLUND                      MICHAEL SHAMLA                          AARON MOEN

Reader                                STEVE TARNOWSKI                         JON SHAMLA                                  JULIE McCOSHEN

Server                                 GLEN ERICKSON                              PETE RABOIN                                 DONNA STUBBE

Communion                       ANGEL BOOTH                                GAIL ERDMAN                                BONNIE McDONALD

   Ministers                         VAL SASS                                            KATHY HESSELGRAVE                    VOLUNTEER

JANUARY 18-19:

Cross Bearer                      GEORGETTE WONDOLKOSKI       TERI COLLINS                                   MEARA MOEN

Reader                                TOM WONDOLKOWSKI                APRIL CAMPBELL                              DONNA STUBBE

Server                                  NANCY LUND                                 JENNA WOJCIECHOWSKI          GRETCHEN OLSON

Communion                       CHARLIE CLEAVER                          TERI COLLINS                                   ROMA MYERS

     Ministers                       CELIA TARNOWSKI                          CAROLYN SWEENEY                       JANET LeBARD


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