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Bulletins & Minutes



Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund,

Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla, Michael Woods

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz

Fr. Jim shared a reading from the Feast of the Assumption.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Michael Woods.

Old Business:

a. Pigeon Report

Pete Raboin reported to the council that he and Scott, our custodian have trapped and taken out 300-450 pigeons using the traps they set in the belfry. He stated that there will be a good cleaning of the area once the weather is cooler. It will all be bagged up and lowered to the ground for disposal. Fr. Jim thanked Pete and Scott for their efforts.

b. Elevator Committee Report

Jon Shamla stated that work on the elevator/bathroom remodels are progressing well. There have been some minor setbacks however nothing that could not be handled easily. The contractors have told Fr. Jim that the building is as solid as a rock. The elevator is due to arrive in early September and the project should be completed by mid-late October.

c. “Raise Us Up” Update

Fr. Jim reported to the council that as of today we have received $422,107 in pledges which represents 94% of our goal. Sue Koehler is hoping to plan a reception to celebrate the elevator once the project is complete.

d. Building Update

Some of the upcoming projects include replacement of the 9 windows on the 4th Street side of the church. Superior Glass has contracted for the job and work should begin in late August. The windows have been measured and are on order. The new windows which will be vinyl will cost approximately $10,000 each.

The pouch boards have been replaced in our organ and we are proud to have a First Class Organ! Johnson-Wilson, the contractors for our elevator installation, has agreed to build a canopy over the pipes to avoid dust from gathering in the pipes.

The porch at the front entrance to the office will be replaced. Fr. Jim will be reviewing estimates to finalize the contract for this job.

The rectory will be painted within the next few weeks. Scott, along with three volunteers will complete this project.

New Business:

a. Fall Events in Parish

The new Catholic Services Appeal will begin the weekend of September 15-16 in our parish. Bishop Powers will speak through a video presentation about the campaign. Bishop filmed in the sanctuary of our parish church. This new goal for our parish will be $51,480 which is less than last year. We currently have a credit of $120.00 from last year’s payments. The Altar Society is hoping to have a Soup/Pie Luncheon on Sunday, October 21st from 11 AM – 2 PM. More information will be upcoming. The Annual Volunteer Dinner is scheduled for November 13th.

b. Web Site Report

The site is now available. Parishioners are encouraged to view the beautiful site. It features a video tour of our church as well as information about parish activities, minutes of councils and altar society, etc. The address is always in our weekly bulletin.

c. Religious Education Renewal

A meeting will be held this Thursday in the Garden Room beginning at 6:30 PM for all who are interested in discussing our religious education program. Our class sizes have been very small and Fr. Jim is welcoming ideas to re-group and encourage parents, students and families to become more involved. Fr. Jim would like to have a short, informational survey to be sent to parishioners who would like to voice their opinions suggestions and ideas.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education

Registration for grades K-5 will be held the weekend of September 22-23 with classes beginning on October 7th. Registration for Middle/High School will be on October 10th. Catechist Workshops are scheduled for September 19 and 26.

Altar Society Report

Sue Koehler stated that the officers have held two meetings to plan for the upcoming year. The Cookie Stroll is scheduled for December 8th, Salad Bar on February 9th and a This N That sale on April 26-27. Plans are being made to form a membership committee.

Cathedral School

Jon Shamla indicated that he was informed by the new principal Jaime Samarziya that there is just one position to fill at the school for the new year which is a Half-time Science Teacher. There are still openings for aides.


Fr. Jim noted to the council members that he would like to see home visits to new parishioners begin again. Fr. Jim was asked if he would want a new Pictorial Directory and he stated it would be fine however it involves a lot of organization and time.


All Mass plans are completed through October. The church will once again be decorated for the fall season. Fr. Jim asked for prayers for one of our organists who is currently experiencing health issues.

Social Action

The food shelf continues to be busy serving 3-5 families weekly. Arlene thanked Janet Walroos for the wonderful job she does keeping our food shelf well-stocked, updated and preparing grocery items for those who seek help.


An adult retreat is planned for November, an Advent retreat is planned for December

and a confirmation retreat for January.

A discussion took place concerning the Catholic Church today. Fr. Jim asked members to think of 2-3 things which are needed in a healthy parish for our next meeting. The item “A Healthy Parish” will be placed on the next meetings’ agenda.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the council in praying the Hail Mary.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted


­Mary Margaret Sitek

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