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Bulletins & Minutes

ST FRANCIS parish pastoral minutes - september 18th, 2018


Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund,

Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla

Absent (Excused): Michael Woods

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz

Fr. Jim shared a reading from Paul to the Corinthians.

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Shannon Ilenda.

Old Business:

a. Religious Education Renewal

Ernie Swartz informed the council that the newly organized Education Committee has met several times and agreed to initiate changes to the middle and high school programs. On Wednesday, October 10th, all students are invited to a joint event. An invitation from Fr. Jim along with a flyer “Dare 2 Move” will be mailed soon. Shannon Ilenda, a member of the Education Committee presented the council with a draft of the Parish Engagement Survey which will be mailed to all parish families. A discussion ensued with a few minor additions by the council to the survey.

b. Elevator Committee Report/”Raise Us Up” Update

Jon Shamla stated that work on the elevator continues on schedule. The painting in the parish hall has begun as well as the painting of the new restrooms. The contractors encountered minor problems but all were corrected easily. Fr. Jim informed councilors that we have reached our goal of $450,000 in pledges and reminders are printed in the bulletin each week for parishioners to continue paying on their pledges. He also responded to Pete Raboin’s question regarding the inspection of the elevator on a regular basis. This will be done. Once the elevator/restroom project is complete Fr. Jim will offer a special blessing at each weekend Mass.

c. Catholic Services Appeal

Fr. Jim reported to the council that our goal this year is $51,480 which is less than last year’s goal. The campaign began last weekend in the parish and to date we have received $6,430 in pledges.

d. Building Update

Fr. Jim informed the council that the 9 new windows are now ready for installation and Superior Glass should begin their work soon. He also said some fine tuning has been done on our organ. Scott Myers, the custodian, is in the process of painting the outside of the rectory. The office entrance of the parish will be repaired and an overhang will be hung over the organ pipes to avoid dust in that area. Both of these projects will be done by the contractor who is installing our elevator. Fr. Jim also mentioned that the front steps of the church are in need of re-caulking and he is hopeful this can be completed at some point. Lorie Frink questioned is if we had help with snow removal following a weekend storm. Fr. Jim said volunteers are always welcome to help.

New Business

a. A Healthy Parish

A discussion was held concerning the recent publicity of abuse by clergy. Fr. Jim stated that every volunteer in any diocesan institution who works with children must be certified with backround checks and special training. Council members felt in general the mood of the parish was still positive even with the recent news reports.

b. Fall Activities

Some upcoming events include a “Book & Bake” Sale sponsored by the Altar Society and our annual Volunteer Dinner scheduled for November 13, beginning with Mass at 5:30 PM.

Committee Reports:

Religious Education

Registration for grades K-5 will be held the weekend of September 22-23 with classes beginning on October 7th. A parent meeting will be held at 9:30 AM. The first meeting for the Middle School Youth Group is planned for Saturday, October 13th.

Altar Society Report

Sue Koehler stated upcoming events for the group include the “Book & Bake” Sale as well as the Annual Cookie Stroll planned for December 8th.

Cathedral School

Jon Shamla told the council there is still a need for a middle school science teacher and a pre-school teacher. It was also noted that there are Cathedral School announcements in our weekly bulletins.


Ernie informed the council that the book for this year’s Advent Season is “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity.” They will be available in the gathering space of the church at no cost.


All Mass plans are completed through November. The church will once again be decorated for the fall season.

Social Action

The committee had a very successful drive for school supplies which were distributed to several organizations in the city, including Cathedral School and St. Vincent dePaul. The food shelf continues to help about 3-5 families weekly. A “Pajama Drive” will be held before Christmas.


A Bible Study will begin on October 9th with two sessions – one at 9:30 AM and one at 7 PM. On Thursdays, beginning on October 11th, a program entitled “Catholicism 101” will be presented to parents with students in our religious education program.

The item “A Healthy Parish” will again be placed on the next meeting agenda.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Fr. Jim led the council in praying the Glory Be.

The meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted


­Mary Margaret Sitek

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