Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.
Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz
Fr. Jim read the Gospel for the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, today’s feast day. He led the council in praying Psalm 131.
The agenda was approved as written. No correspondence.
The Parish Mission Statement was read by Jon Shamla.
Old Business:
a. New Springtime
Fr. Jim reported to the council that all deanery meetings have now been conducted. Each deanery is asked to submit comments to the Bishop’s office. The priests will review the process at an October meeting in Ashland.
b. Healthy Parish” / Survey
A group discussion took place in reference to the book Rebuilt. Councilors continue to read the book and find it to be very informative. All agree that there is a need for more parishioner involvement. Council members are asked to bring an idea to the next meeting as their suggestions as to what we should be working on as a parish.
c. CSA Update
Fr. Jim informed the council that this year’s goal is $51,346. Thus far we have payments/pledges totaling approximately $10,000.00 Fr. Jim also noted the latest “Raise Us Up” figures. Thus far we have received $457,844 in pledges, $412,115 in payments, leaving a balance of $45,729 remaining to be paid. Fr. Jim felt the reminders sent to the parishioners were very worthwhile.
New Business:
a. Fall /Winter Events
Some upcoming events include the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on November 12th beginning with Mass at 5 PM. An Advent Retreat is scheduled for Sunday, December 8th. Council members discussed possible speakers for the event, however, no decisions were made. Tree trimming and a luncheon will be held on Sunday, December
Committee Reports:
Religious Education – Ernie Swartz reported that classes begin on October 2nd for middle and high school students and on October 6th for grades K-5. All teachers are in place, however there is a need for aides in grades 9, 10, and 11.
Altar Society Arlene Osterlund reported that Jean Hennessy has retired as chairperson for the funeral luncheons. Special thanks to Jean for her many, many years of service. Irene Hudacek and Sylvia Steen will serve as Jean’s replacements. The Book/Bake sale is planned for October 26-27 with Marilee Culliton chairing the event. Other upcoming events include the Mitten Tree Party and Annual Cookie Stroll.
Cathedral School – Jon Shama noted that the enrollment is currently 180 (119 in grades K-8 and 61 in pre 3,4 year old). Students are currently using Chrome Books which were purchased with a grant the school received. The tradition of the blessing of the pets will take place this month and there are plans for the 8th grade to go to Wolf’s Ridge.
Stewardship – Michael Woods distributed copies of the minutes from the September 18th meeting of the committee. Some of the goals of the committee include: To foster a culture of engagement, introduce concepts of stewardship, promote time and talent of our parish family and to inspire and unify our parish to build our Catholic faith.
Evangelization - The “Chili/Baked Potato Bake was well attended and it was noted that there were many new faces. A Pizza Party following the 4:00 Mass some weekend is January may be held.
Liturgy - Fr. Jim stated Masses are planned through November. The choir has begun leading us in song at our 10:30 Mass and new members are always welcome. Rehearsals are held at 10:00 AM prior to Mass. Fall decorations will be coming soon to the sanctuary.
Social Action - Arlene Osterlund reported that the food shelf continues to serve 3-5 families weekly. Special thanks to Janet Walroos for her continual service to this parish committee. We will again distribute Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets this year.
Education – Ernie stated the committee has not met since our last council meeting so he has no report.
Building Committee - Jon Shamla is in the process of forming this committee. He is currently working with the city of Superior to have some handicap parking signs on the 4th Street side of the church.
The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on December 3, 2019 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.
Meeting closed at 5:45 PM with recitation of the Hail Mary.
Respectfully Submitted:
Mary Margaret Sitek