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Bulletins & Minutes

parish pastoral council minutes - august 27, 2019


Members Present: Fr. Jim, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin, Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Members Absent (Excused): Lorie Frink

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek, Ernie Swartz & Steve Tarnowski.

Fr. Jim led the council in praying Psalm 139 – “You have searched me and you know me, Lord.”

The agenda was approved as written. No correspondence.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Shannon Ilenda.

Old Business:

a. New Springtime

Fr. Jim reported to the council that there are meetings being held in the diocese to discuss staffing in parishes across the diocese. We currently have 15-20 international priests who are usually available to us for a five year period. As an example Fr. Jim noted that the parishes of the Ladysmith Cluster have one priest who is offering six Masses in a weekend. There are currently four men, two in major seminary and two in college who are candidates for ordination. Fr. Thompson, head of vocations for our diocese continues his efforts to recruit men to enter the priesthood.

b. “A Healthy Parish” / Survey

Michael Woods stated that a committee is being formed under the heading of Stewardship and presently has membership of Shannon Ilenda, Steve Tarnowski, Dan Blank, Arlene Osterlund and Michael. The committee is considering several options – a possible Octoberfest Picnic/Liturgy Volunteer Recruitment to take place sometime this fall. Council members agreed this would be an excellent place to begin. A large Stewardship Gathering will be held in the spring. A discussion was held about the book, Rebuilt, which was distributed to councilors at the last meeting. Michael, as well as Arlene felt the book was very informative. She stated that many of the things mentioned in the book are being done in our parish. All councilors agree there is a need to get our youth more involved with the parish. Steve noted that the “Extreme Faith Camp” is a very worthwhile one-week program for youth and he feels it should be promoted in our parish. A quote was noted from the book in regards to youth: “Engaging is more important that educating.”

New Business:

a. Fall Activities

Some dates of importance for the upcoming season of fall are the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on November 12 beginning with Mass at 5 PM, Baked Potato Bar on Saturday, September 28th following 4:00 Mass as well as an Octoberfest Gathering tentatively set for late September or early October.

b. CSA Update

Fr. Jim reminded the council that the parish paid $18,000 in January of this year to assist in reaching our goal. We currently have a surplus of $2,148 which will be applied to the new CSA Campaign which begins the weekend of September 14-15. All families throughout the diocese will receive a brochure containing information about the campaign along with a pledge envelope. Our goal this year is 51,346.00.

Committee Reports:

a. Religious Education

Ernie Swartz reported that classes begin on October 2nd for middle and high school students and on October 6th for grades K-5. Registration for the elementary grades will take place the weekend of September 21-22 following all Masses. Ernie also stated that this year we will conduct the confirmation class for the entire city – possibly 30-40 students.

b. Altar Society –Sue Koehler, society president, reported the first meeting of the new season will be Thursday, September 5th. Some upcoming events include the Book and Bake Sale on October 26-27, Annual Cookie Stroll on December 7th, Salad Bar Luncheon on February 8 and the Baby Shower/Pot Luck on May 7th.

Cathedral School – Jon Shamla reported the current enrollment is 182 students in pre-school through grade 8. There is still an opening for a hot lunch coordinator as well as volunteers needed to help during the lunch hour. Jon also read the Mission Statement of the Cathedral School which will be printed in our parish bulletin.

Stewardship Michael Woods stated that the notes under the “A Healthy Parish” agenda item covered information on this committee. He did stress that the word stewardship refers to sharing our Time, Talent & Treasure. The new committee will meet again in September.

Liturgy – Masses are planned through the month of October. The choir will begin leading us in song on Sunday, September 22nd. The church will again be decorated for the fall season.

Social Action – Arlene stated that the food shelf continues to be very busy. Notices are put in the weekly bulletin periodically as to the needs of the food shelf. Special thanks to Janet Walroos for her continuing service in the food shelf. We will again provide Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to those in need. A request was announced for school supplies and thanks all who donated the supplies which were delivered this morning. A pajama/stocking donation appeal will be held in December.

Education – The committee met on August 26th. There are still two teachers who are considering returning and if they do all teacher positions will be complete. There is a need for many aides in the program. Anyone interested in helping in this area should contact Ernie at the parish.

Building Committee - Jon Shamla is in the process of forming this committee. Fr. Jim noted that the sound system in the parish hall must be replaced. Bids were placed for the installation of a new system and the bid of $1900.00 was accepted.

The Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 4:30 PM in the Garden Room.

Meeting closed at 5:45 PM with recitation of the Hail Mary.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mary Margaret Sitek

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