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Bulletins & Minutes


Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Shannon Ilenda, Arlene Osterlund, Pete Raboin,

Jon Shamla and Michael Woods.

Others Present: Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim led the council in Psalm 40 (answering God’s call to service).

The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Michael Woods.

Correspondence: None

Covid Discussion: A brief discussion took place. Fr. Jim informed council members that there were four Christmas Masses at which a total of 265 people attended. Social distancing and wearing of masks were observed at all liturgies. The 5 PM liturgy was taped for our website.

Old Business

a. “A Healthy Parish” A New Springtime Revisited

Fr. Jim stated that there is no action on the diocesan level in reference to the “New Springtime.”

b. CSA Update 2019-20 and 2020/21.

Fr. Jim distributed copies of the current status of our CSA Pledges. We currently have $12,553.00 remaining to raise. Steve Tarnowski will be sending reminder notices during Lent to those who have yet to pledge. Fr. Jim and councilors agreed a pulpit appeal will be made during Lent.

c. Stewardship Fair

Michael reported that the committee has not met so the fair is currently on hold.

d. Personnel Update

Fr. Jim reported Ernie Harker replaced our former custodian, Scott Myers, on November 1, 2020. Fr. Jim stated he is doing an excellent job. Ernie Swartz, former Coordinator of Religious Education, retired on December 31, 2020. Fr. Jim is now working on a new hire for the position.

New Business

Mass Schedule:

Fr. Jim discussed with the council the limited number of priests in our diocese and there currently are parishes without a priest. Fr. Andrew, rector of the Cathedral Parish, presides over five parishes with some help from Fr. Ronald Olson and Fr. Leon Flaherty, both of whom are elderly. Should something happen to one or both of them, it is a possibility that our pastor would be needed to say a weekend Mass in another parish. If this should occur, it would be necessary to eliminate one of our Sunday Masses. Then our pastor would be available to say a Mass at one of the other parishes. Parishioners will be kept informed of the situation.

Lenten Planning:

Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, is February 17th. We will have two Masses, one at 9 AM and one at 6 PM. Ashes will be distributed safely. Fr. Jim informed the council that there are some individuals who would like to have our annual beef dinner on Palm Sunday with take-outs and home deliveries only. Further details will follow in future bulletins and weekly announcements. Council members agreed the event should be held.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Classes resume on Wednesday, January 13th and Sunday, January 17th. If the public schools were to close again, classes would-be put-on hold.

Altar Society: Sue Koehler stated that the Altar Society has not met, nor have they held any of their activities. The annual Salad Bar Luncheon, normally held in February is cancelled. However, the raffle tickets have gone out to all parishioners. Fr. Jim will draw the winners on Thursday, February 4th.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla indicated that the virus has been present in the school. Currently there are 2 active cases – one student and one faculty member. Previously there will 11 cases – 8 students and 3 faculty members.

Stewardship: Michael Woods stated the committee has not met.

Liturgy: Masses are planned through March. Fr. Jim and councilors were very pleased with the Christmas decorations in the church. Fr. Jim thanked the committee for their time and talent.

Social Action: Arlene reported 20 Thanksgiving baskets and 12 Christmas baskets were distributed to members of our community. No gifts or toys were part of the gifting this year due to the small number of students in our religious education program. Also, A-1 Movers delivered a large load of food which is currently being sorted for our shelves. Special thanks to Chris Nye and his crew!

Education: No report.

Building Committee Jon Shamla indicated that he has contacted both Scott Myers and Ernie Harker and they have agreed to serve on the committee.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 4:30 PM.

The meeting closed at 5:30 PM with recitation of Our Father.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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