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Bulletins & Minutes

Parish Pastoral Council – March 22, 2022

Members Present: Fr. Jim, Lorie Frink, Judy LeMieux, Arlene Osterlund, Ray Radtke, Jon Shamla, & Michael Woods.

Others Present: Sue Koehler, Mary Margaret Sitek

Fr. Jim read from the 2nd letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians as the opening prayer. The agenda was approved as written.

The Parish Mission Statement was read by Arlene Osterlund.

Correspondence: Fr. Jim distributed an Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer which will be read by our bishop at a special Mass on the Feast of the Annunciation, this Friday, March 25th at 11 AM. This will be available virtually on the Cathedral Facebook Page. Copies of the prayer will be available in the gathering space of our church this weekend.

Old Business

a. Synod Session:

Fr. Jim distributed notes from the Synod Discussion Meeting held on February 17th in our parish. Following parish meetings there were two diocesan meetings held in Shell Lake and Woodruff. These reports from the parishes throughout our diocese will be sent to our bishop by the end of April and finally sent to the Catholic Bishops in Washington. Following review by the bishops the reports will be sent to Rome. Fr. Jim thanked all who participated in the discussion.

b. Cemetery Update:

Fr. Jim noted that there have been 8 units sold in the Columbarium. Rick Davern is working with the city and the Native American Community in a plan to install a walking path from the road to the Indian burial grounds. No vehicles will be allowed on this path. Fr. Jim stated there are plans to have Mass at the cemetery on Memorial Day (weather permitting) followed by a light breakfast in the parish hall.

c. Catholic Services Appeal:

Fr. Jim stated we have a remaining balance approximately $15,000. Steve Tarnowski is sending reminders during Lent to those who have yet to fulfill their pledge and to those who haven’t pledged.

New Business

a. Holy Week/Easter:

Fr. Jim reminded council members of our annual Roast Beef Dinner planned for Palm Sunday, April 10th. This year we are planning both in-house and take-out dinners. Many volunteers are needed for this event. There are sign-up sheets in the gathering space of church. Our Holy Week Schedule will include Holy Thursday Mass at 7 PM, Good Friday service at 1 PM and the Easter Vigil at 8 PM. There will not be feet washing this year. The Altar Society is providing 100 loaves of bread for distribution following the Holy Thursday service. A reception will follow the Easter Vigil for those receiving the Sacraments of Initiation.

b. Priest Assembly:

The bishop and priests of the diocese will join together here in our parish on April 3 – 5. Fr. Jim noted that the clergy love to come here. The ladies will serve dinner on Sunday evening, breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, lunch on Monday and snacks throughout the entire three days. This year’s speaker will be Bishop Daniel from the Diocese of Duluth. Bishop Powers will offer Mass here on Monday morning at 8 AM. All parishioners are certainly welcome to come.

c. Other:

Fr. Jim asked about the Pictorial Directory and if a new time has been scheduled for the photographs. Sue Koehler responded she will contact the company and hopefully set it up for this fall.

Committee Reports

Religious Education: Fr. Jim began by asking members for prayers for Dwane, the coordinator of our program. Dwane was operated on at the Mayo Clinic and will be returning there soon for many more tests. Fr. Jim stated that First Communion is scheduled for May 1st and the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Friday, May 6th at Cathedral. Ray Radtke, who works with our confirmation class informed the council that they attended a retreat at St. Lawrence Parish in Duluth recently and it was very well received by the confirmation students.

Altar Society: Sue Koehler, current president of the Altar society reported that the society has $5,320.93 in savings and checking. Recently the society donated $5,000 to help with the parish utility costs and the raffle profit of $1,993 to be used toward the completed painting project. The “This N’ That sale is scheduled for September 9-10. Details will be announced in parish bulletins. The May meeting, scheduled for May 5th will begin with Mass at noon, followed by a luncheon and baby shower. There will be a container in the back of church for donations of baby items which will all be distributed to Ruth House. Also, at the May meeting new co-presidents, Arlene Osterlund and Gail Erdman, will be installed. Sue Koehler will continue to serve as chair of the Annual Cookie Stroll and the Priest Assembly. Sylvia Steen is the new chair of the funeral luncheon committee.

Cathedral School: Jon Shamla informed the council registrations for the 2022-23 school year are going well. All-school Masses are back on Wednesdays. He stated that this year’s enrollment for grades K-8 is 111.

Liturgy: Fr. Jim noted all liturgies are planned through the month of June. On June 19th, Feast of Corpus Christi, which is also Father’s Day, the committee is considering a Eucharistic Procession following the 10:30 AM Mass. A breakfast will also be served following both Sunday Masses. On May 29th 3 deacons will be ordained at the Cathedral of Christ the King. These three young men are asked to do their first sermon at a local parish. We will welcome Julian Druffner at our parish on Monday, May 30th at 3 PM for his first sermon. Fr. Jim noted this will include his family and friends and expects a group of 75.

Social Action: Arlene reported that the ladies continue to keep our food shelf in beautiful condition. She thanked Janet Walroos, Nancy Lund and Judy LeMieux for their continuing assistance. Fr. Jim stated that the collection on Holy Thursday will be used to purchased items for our food shelf.

Building Committee: Jon Shamla noted he is hoping to schedule a walk-thru of our parish facility soon. He stated the committee of Jon, Ernie Harker, Scott Myers and Kirk Ilenda will do it to see anything that may be needed in maintenance of the church, parish hall, offices and rectory.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 4:30 in the Garden Room.

The meeting closed with the Hail Mary at 5:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Mary Margaret Sitek

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