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Mission Statement |


We, the Roman Catholic community of St. Francis Xavier Parish pledge:


To open wide the doors to Christ, and welcome all in our midst,


To embrace the good news of Jesus through the sacraments, Scripture and prayer,


To unite as parish community to teach and model the Christian life to our youth,


To share time, talent and treasure in ministering to all God's people,


and To give example of our unity by gathering with our pastor at the table of the Lord


Early History |


St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church was founded in 1854, being the third parish founded in the Diocese of Superior.

Easter Sanctuary

mass schedule


  • 4:00pm



  • 9:00am

  • 10:30am



  • 9:00am

  • Schedule will vary. Contact the church office for details


Christmas Eve Mass 2020

Christmas Eve Mass 2020

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